Patents (1436 Stem Cell Patents)

Dedifferentiated, programmable stem cells of monocytic origin, and their production and use

Patent Number: 7,553,663

Date of First Priority Issue: Thursday March 28th, 2002
Date Issued: Tuesday June 30th, 2009
Assignee: Blasticon Biotechnologische Forschung GmbH (Keil, DE)
Inventors: Kremer; Bernd Karl Friedrich (Kiel, DE), Fandrich; Fred (Kiel, DE), Ruhnke; Maren nee Schulze (Kiel, DE)

From Class: Use
Comments: No comments

This patent is a continuation of Blasticon's #7,138,275 covering a monocyte-derived stem cell that is capable of differentiating into islets, hepatocytes, and neurons.  In the current patent the use of hepatic, or hepatic-like cells derived from these monocytes is covered.

The general coverage of the patent extends to generation and use of a cell capable of expressing albumin that is made by the differentiation of a CD-14 positive, CD-90 positive monocytic derived stem cell.

Covered uses including treatment of cirrhosis, and other types of liver fibrosis.

This approach is useful for restoration of hepatocytes, however it is interesting to wonder whether it affects some of the other pathological processes in the genesis of fibrotic disease such as stellate cell activation.

Example 12 of the patent demonstrates efficacy of the de novo generated hepatocyte-like cells in an animal model of liver injury.

View this patent on the USPTO website.

Added to on Wednesday July 1st, 2009

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