Patents (1436 Stem Cell Patents)

Interventions to mimic the effects of calorie restriction

Patent Number: RE39,436

Date of First Priority Issue: Thursday December 23rd, 1999
Date Issued: Tuesday December 19th, 2006
Assignee: The Regents of the University of California (Oakland, CA)
Inventors: Spindler; Stephen R. (Riverside, CA), Dhahbi; Joseph M. (Alameda, CA)

From Class: Expansion
Comments: No comments

Caloric restriction is the only sure way to increase life span. This patent covers the use of a screening systems so as to be able to identify compounds that mimic the effects of caloric restriction so that people don't have to starve themselves to live longer.

The patent covers assessing gene expression, mRNA levels, and protein expression from people (or animals) that have been calorically deprived, and provides ways to test compounds in order to see which ones mimic the effect of the caloric restriction.

It appears that this patent is licensed to the life extension company Biomarker Inc which used the technology to identify the antidiabetic drug metformin as an agent that increases life extension

View this patent on the USPTO website.

Added to on Saturday January 6th, 2007

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